
Dissemination of climate change scenarios – a review of existing scenario platforms


In the framework of the recently founded National Center for Climate Services (NCCS), the new Swiss climate change scenarios “CH2018” will be calculated that replace the existing ones from 2011. These new scenarios should be elaborated in a way that it fulfills the needs of end-users in terms of content and dissemination. A specific website to CH2018 is currently under development. This review here should give an overview of already existing scenario web-platforms focusing on the limitations and possibilities in terms of visualization, dissemination, provision of data and interactions with the user. In total, 17 scenario platforms from 14 countries have been examined.

AutorenZubler E, Liniger M A, Sigel M, Fischer A
AusgabeTechnical Report No. 257
TypBerichte & Bulletins
  • Klima
